For the love of Life

Cartagena de Indias
The colourful City !

Relative, yet beautiful.

An abstract homage.

under construction
Under construction is a series on these construction workers in South-East Asia. They often are illegal migrants and live within the construction site or in some kind of shacks. Often without a proper ID and with their salary rarely exceeding 200 USD in Thailand, they keep out of any social life and stay in their confinements.
NB: The last photos of the series are from India.

lights & illusions
There is nothing to understand. There is just the experience. Light as we see it with our eyes is a mere image of Light as we can experience it. The limitations of our physical senses can be erased for our own delight. For light is from within and always present, even in the depths of darkness, I invite you to break the limits of usual perception to fill up your Soul with the true essence of Light. It isn’t hidden in the photographs, it is embedded in You.

reflecting the world
Through this photographic series I invite you to see those mirrors, both material and mind-projected to see how they affect the way we see events. Photographic reflections are good analogies to the distorted visions we have of reality. Our mind, our perceptions, our senses, our beliefs are twisting, filtering what is. As a result, truth is fragmented. We set our mind to see what we want to see.
Photographs are filters as well. By selecting a frame and occulting the rest, the scene is not whole anymore. Focus, angle, colour balance, contrasts, aperture, exposure, sensitivity and other factors are influencing the final result. At the end, it is the selection of all parameters that makes the vision. We are doing so in everyday life. Beauty, happiness, love is everywhere and a simple reflecting surface can reveal it.
Let us be that reflection.

Water is source of all life as we know it. Our relation to it reveals the relationship we have with Life. We live in a world of energy. Thoughts are energy. They create and influence matter that is also made of energy.
The molecular structure of water is thus sensitive and reacts to our thoughts. For the love of Life is essential to happiness, loving and being thankful to its source is fundamental. We are mainly made of water. We can clean our body, our polluted cells by rectifying our thoughts.
Through Watermark I invite you to by-pass your usual emotions to see the true nature of Life and observe the relation you have with it. Heal yourself in the simplest way. All that is needed is to love our most essential constituent and treat it with respect.
Blurry photographs usually are missed shots of an action happening too fast to be controlled. Also, they can be a creative choice. The blur can make the photograph vibrant, alive, even mysterious. The following photographs are the fruits of the research between this thin line, the blend between missed and wanted shots.
south-east asian markets
These markets are vibrant places where life swarms about. They are packed with colourful people and merchandise filled with aromas and noise. Hygiene is not of high standards, which seems not bother the locals shopping in this somewhat charming chaos.
Animals are representative of our instinctual nature. They sense, react to their environment with more spontaneity because they are not easily conditioned to social rules we set. They adapt themselves the best they can in the worlds we create and the space we let them have. Through them, we might encounter our own enslavement or freedom.
nights in wonder
Most of our life we are wandering in darkness,
wondering what’s next,
thinking about what was
and neglecting what is now.
We regret,
we project
and we simply forget to live.
Life is not a line.
It is an ever-changing moment that
is happening now.
Let’s grab a light
and visit those dark places
of our unconscious.
There we store
all memories, all expectations.
In the light of understanding,
we’ll soon live
in a brighter world.
Let’s avoid creating those bad
memories and those expectations.
It only brings
bitterness and deceptions.
All that has to be rectified
will resurface
so we can clean up the mess.
All that we wish for ourselves
will form.
But on one condition:
That we live the present moment
with joy, confidence,
trust and love.
lines and shapes
Lines and shapes direct our senses, elevate them from time-to-time but usually put us in a cage.
I played the game, getting trapped to better frame them, reveal their existence and non-conscious effects they have in our daily lives.
As we watch our mind struggling with those lines and shapes, I invite you to observe your thoughts, free yourself and return those traps into the nothingness out of which they came.
bird’s eye view
This series is a bird’s eye view on life scenes happening right below. This angle gives a different look, an alternative vision on the interaction or non-interaction of the subject with another subject or with their environment. It adds spacial perspective to the subject and thus induce a different reading.
close openings
Enigmatic or graphic, used or abandoned, they are the facade, the front step to another unknown space, a small hidden universe.
hands on
Through this series, I would like to honour those little jobs in Asian’s streets, most of which have disappeared from our occidental countries. I want to pay tribute to those daily street workers, to their hands, reflection of their work, their lives, and their materialized states of mind. There we can see the hardship of their labour and the precision of the gestures, the delicacy of a well-done work and the automation of repetitive tasks, integrated deep into their skin.
There are those hands, which carve and transform, which destroy and build, which sow and reap, which give and receive. There are those hands without which we would have almost, if not, nothing.
something divine
From Nepalese stuppas, to Buddha’s enlightenment place in Bodhgaya, to Christian church and altars in the Philippines and the beauty of more unrelated places and landscapes, here are some places where we’d swear something divine is in the air.
We are true people living in worlds of illusions. The differences of ways of living, thinking, the way we look, are nothing compared to the similarities we all share. This series is an attempt to show the reality of what it is to be a human being.
For all I know, I know nothing. All is and is only. Now.
Judgments, perceptions, thoughts are a pale reflection of what really is, of who we are. We need to open up to others, recognize our true gift of living, being, to love ourselves for who we are in order to love and respect others for who they are.
In these photographs I tried to extract true moments, where people didn’t use the usual poses and gave me, beyond the role they have been playing, a closer view of who they truly are.
life moments
Life is beautiful when fully lived and embraced. Life is pure consciousness, is immortal, lives within, even creates matter for practical reasons. Life itself is beyond reproach. It is how we handle it, what we think, thus create, what we attract or let happen that has to be rethought.
There in no situation that is not meant to happen. We often don’t understand the reasons from which they arise but all sources of suffering are educational. So is Life. It is an intelligence of its own and of the whole. The feeling of injustice describes the non-understanding of those matters.
We are limitless, omnipotent and omniscient energy in action, bringing thoughts into form, designers of our own body, our own reality, creator of more life.
This is the true gift of Life.
life scenes
This series is a blend of different moments taken in different countries that depict different aspects of Life. However, the first part is focused on Bangkok. It is called:
Sabai sabai in Krung Thep
– Krung Thep, meaning “city of angels”, is the Thai name for Thailand’s capital, Bangkok. “Sabai sabai”, meaning “well well”, is used to show that everything is fine. It is also used by Thai people to say that there is no problem, that they accept, at least on a surface level, whatever is or has been and that they won’t hold grudge or resentment about a given situation. In this multicultural, crowded, inegalitarian capital with power struggle fights in the background and its daily dramas, sabai sabai is one of the core philosophy of the Thai social fabric that keeps this society from tearing apart. It also is a contagious way of living that, sooner or later, permeates all visitors, expatriated workers and that makes Bangkok a pleasant place to live in. –
General idea of this theme as a whole
Life is beautiful when fully lived and embraced. Life is pure consciousness, is immortal, lives within, even creates matter for practical reasons. Life itself is beyond reproach. It is how we handle it, what we think, thus create, what we attract or let happen that has to be rethought.
There in no situation that is not meant to happen. We often don’t understand the reasons from which they arise but all sources of suffering are educational. So is Life. It is an intelligence of its own and of the whole. The feeling of injustice describes the non-understanding of those matters.
We are limitless, omnipotent and omniscient energy in action, bringing thoughts into form, designers of our own body, our own reality, creator of more life.
This is the true gift of Life.
We are true people living in worlds of illusions. The differences of ways of living, thinking, the way we look, are nothing compared to the similarities we all share. This series is an attempt to show the reality of what it is to be a human being.
For all I know, I know nothing. All is and is only. Now.
Judgments, perceptions, thoughts are a pale reflection of what really is, of who we are. We need to open up to others, recognize our true gift of living, being, to love ourselves for who we are in order to love and respect others for who they are.
In these photographs I tried to extract true moments, where people didn’t use the usual poses and gave me, beyond the role they have been playing, a closer view of who they truly are.